Strategic Collaborations


Accelerators and ESOs as Partners

We envision accelerators and Entrepreneur Support Organizations as valuable strategic partners in our mission. By collaborating with these organizations, we aim to tap into a pipeline of fast-tracked startups that, despite their acceleration, face challenges in securing investments.

Join us in this endeavor to support and empower entrepreneurs in Northern Central America. Contact us to explore partnership opportunities and contribute to building a thriving startup ecosystem in the region.


Nonprofit and Development Agencies

Partnering with us offers nonprofits and development agencies a unique opportunity to make a tangible impact on SME communities, mainly rural business owners, farmers, and cooperative members, who struggle to access financing. By collaborating with us, nonprofits and development agencies can leverage our Contract Service curriculum, meticulously designed and validated to align with the due diligence process of financial institutions. This ensures that their clients are thoroughly prepared to meet specific criteria set by these institutions, enhancing their eligibility for financing opportunities.

Our services aim to reach companies in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras with customizable project durations and a problem-solving approach.

Partner with us to bridge the gap and enhance these communities’ financing readiness, making a meaningful difference in their economic development.


Investors and Financial Institutions

In our mission to support the growth of successful startups and SMEs, we advocate for a proactive approach we call “Investment Before the Investment.”

Investors are key players in shaping businesses to meet investment criteria effectively. That’s why we integrate investors and financial institutions into our Investment Readiness program. This approach not only enhances the likelihood of securing investments but also offers investors a valuable educational opportunity. By engaging directly with startups and SMEs at this stage, investors gain firsthand insights into the fundamental challenges these companies face, fostering a deeper understanding of the ecosystem’s complexities.

We align our due diligence process with the criteria of investors and financial institutions. By doing so, we aim to identify the investment barriers selected enterprises must address throughout the program. Our goal is to enhance the investment readiness of startups and SMEs, increasing their chances of securing investments post-program.

Join us in building a more robust pipeline of investment-ready startups and SMEs. Partner with us today to make a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem.