SME Services

Tailored, Strategic Support for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Central America


Customized Solutions through Strong Partnerships

Our services for SMEs are delivered in collaboration with partner agencies, nonprofits, and financial institutions. We meticulously design and align our curriculum with the due diligence process of these institutions and the capital requirements of SMEs.


Problem-Solving Methodology for SME Growth

Similar to our startup approach, we employ a problem-solving methodology using data-driven analysis and AI software. This ensures that our support is both fact-based and tailored to SME’s unique context.

Fact-Based, Data-Driven Analysis to Identify Barriers to Financing

Expert Led Problem-Solving Approach to prepare SME's for a due diligence process

AI Software Tools & Resources to report and track progress

100% Tailored Support for businesses seeking financing


Our Framework Is Aligned With Financing Success

Our Investment Readiness framework is customized to align with our partners’ goals, while maintaining a strong foundation in:

Serving a Broad Spectrum of SMEs

Our focus extends to rural entrepreneurs, agribusinesses, cooperatives, and farmers’ groups in Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala. Our tailored services are designed to meet the unique challenges and needs of these diverse communities.

Contact us for more information.